Guided Meditation for Divine Love and Light

Welcome to this moment, this now space. Let's embark on a journey of divine love and light together. I invite you to find a comfortable position, close your eyes if you wish, and take a deep, nurturing breath.

Beginning with Breath

  • Breathe in deeply. Allow the air to fill your lungs, bringing energy and life into your being.

  • Exhale slowly. As you release the breath, feel any tension melting away from your body and mind.

Embracing Divine Love

  • Pause. In this moment, open your heart to the presence of divine love. Feel this love surrounding you, within you.

  • Conscious Mind. Gently guide your awareness to your conscious mind. Let it be at ease, resting in the embrace of divine love.

Journey Through the Body

  • Head to Heart. Visualize divine love flowing through your body, starting at the top of your head. Feel it moving down, caressing your brain, your neck, your shoulders, and chest, infusing every part with light and love.

  • Arms and Hands. Let this energy travel down your arms, from your upper arms to your elbows, forearms, wrists, hands, and fingers. Sense the divine light filling every space.

  • Return Journey. Now, trace the path of divine love back up your arms, shoulders, and into your upper back and chest. Move into your soul space, the heart center, feeling deeply loved, capable of giving love, being love itself.

  • Torso. Allow this love to flow through the middle of your torso, including your back and sides, down to the lower part of your torso. Embrace the sensation of being love.

  • Lower Body. Continue your journey down to the pelvis, upper thighs, hamstrings, knees, calves, ankles, feet, and toes. Each part of you is touched by divine love and light.


  • Divine Infusion. With a conscious mind and a focus on the pelvis, imagine divine love filling all the spaces within. This divine energy weaves together the conscious and the subconscious, spreading throughout every aspect of your being—physical, astral, mental, and the soul space.

  • The Third Eye and Beyond. Feel this energy activating your third eye portal and all other portals within you. You are now fully infused with divine love and light.

  • Sacred Space. Realize that your being, your very airspace, is sacred, filled with divine love and light. Only that which matches this high vibration can enter your space.


  • I am Divine Love. Hold onto this affirmation. Feel it with every fiber of your being. You are divine love, now and always.

Take a few more deep breaths, and when you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to your surroundings. Open your eyes if they were closed. Carry this feeling of divine love and light with you throughout your day.

Thank you for joining this meditation. May you walk in beauty and peace, embraced by divine love.



Temporary link to PDF version and an expanded 16 minute guided meditation audio file.

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